Women’s Health Center
Gynecological Care
Urogynecology and Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery
Urogynecology and Pelvic reconstructive surgery are needed when women begin to have problems with their pelvic floor. Reconstruction is performed by a urogynecologist. Pelvic floor disorders can include damage to your bladder, bowel function, and vagina caused by childbirth, continuous heavy lifting, chronic disease or surgery causing you to need reconstructive surgery.
Our doctors at OBGYN Pavilion provide a range of services for women needing pelvic reconstruction surgery including minimally invasive surgery, medication and procedures.
Urinary Incontinence Evaluation and Treatment
Urinary Incontinence is when you can no longer control the
release of your urine. It increases with age as it has been found to occur in older people. There are four types of urinary incontinence:
1. Stress Incontinence-
Stress incontinence is the release of urine involuntary from putting pressure on the bladder by laughing, coughing, sneezing and exercise. This can be caused by pregnancy or giving birth since the pelvic muscles may be stretched and damaged during this time. However pregnancy is not the only factor that can contribute to stress incontinence. Aging, being overweight or participating in high impact sports could also cause lack of bladder control.
2. Overactive Bladder-
Is when you urgently need to urine and involuntarily release the urine. This can be caused by parkinson’s disease, urinary tract infection, spasm of bladder muscles, and multiple sclerosis. Invasive testing is not always needed treat patients.
3. Mixed Incontinence-
Women who have both stress incontinence and overactive bladder are said to have mixed incontinence. If you have both, our doctors at OBGYN Pavilion can help treat your most discomforting symptoms.
4. Overflow Incontinence-
Overflow incontinence occurs when you have a “leakage” of urine or a small amount of urine that drips. If you can’t empty your bladder every time you go to the bathroom you may also have an overflow incontinence. This could be caused by medications, nerve damage, and weakened bladder muscles. In men it could also be caused by problems with the prostate.
Advanced Laparoscopic & Hysteroscopic Surgery
Advanced laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgery can offer a look at your pelvic organs. During laparoscopy surgery the doctor can look at and perform surgery on the fallopian tubes, ovaries, uterus, and other pelvic organs. The operation includes the surgeon inserting instruments into two or three incisions and during this time the doctor can remove scar tissue or ovarian cysts, open blocked tubes, and treat ectopic pregnancy. Robotic assisted laparoscopic surgery (RAL) is a recent development in which the instruments used are attached to a robot and is controlled by the surgeon. Several advantages come from using RAL such as performing more complicated procedures that are less invasive which in return allows for a quick recovery.
During hysteroscopy surgery, instruments used for surgery are inserted the uterine cavity. Surgeons are able to extract scar tissue, fibroids, and polyps and correct uterine septum as well as perform other activities.
Infertility Evaluation and Treatment
Infertility can be identified as being unable to become pregnant after a year of unprotected intercourse. Our doctors at OBGYN Pavilion will spend the time to analyze your situation and provide treatments. Contributing factors to infertility could be age such as women over the age of 35, as well as male factors. Evaluation and treatment depends on how long you have been infertile, the reason, you and your partner’s age, and your preference. Women who are infertile may become pregnant with assisted reproductive technology. An example of assisted reproductive technology (ART) is, vitro fertilization which fertilizes a females egg and a males sperm in a lab, then three to five days later inserting the embryo into the woman’s uterus.
Treatment for men may include:
- Hormone treatments and medication
- Treatments for sexual intercourse complications
- Surgery
- Assisted reproductive technology (ART)
Treatment for women may include:
- Fertility drugs that trigger ovulation
- Intrauterine insemination
- Surgery
What to expect:
- 99% effective
- Zero hormone
Women’s Health Center
OBGYN Pavilion is one of Miami’s most trusted women’s health center, known for their caring and experienced doctors and staff. We provide our patients with a professional and comfortable environment. We care about our patients and want to be sure we are doing the most for our patient’s health. For that reason, we offer a variety of Gynecological Care from different types of surgeries and treatments. Call our office at (786) 615-6123 to schedule an appointment.