Ovarian Cancer
Cancer develops when cells in the body begin changing and multiplying out of control. These cells can form lumps of tissue called tumors. Cancer that starts in the ovaries is called ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancer can spread from the ovaries to other parts of the body.
Understanding the Ovaries
The ovaries are a pair of walnut-sized organs in a woman’s pelvic area. They are located on either side of the uterus (the organ that holds the baby when a woman is pregnant). Ovaries make and release the eggs which, when combined with a man’s sperm, can grow into a baby. The ovaries also make the female hormones progesterone and estrogen.
When Ovarian Cancer Forms
There are three different types of ovarian tumors:
- Epithelial tumors form in the cells that cover the outer surface of the ovaries. This is the most common type of ovarian cancer.
- Germ cell tumors form in the cells inside the ovary that produce eggs. These rare tumors are most common in women in their teens and early twenties.
- Stromal tumors grow from the cells that make female hormones. This is one of the least common forms of ovarian cancer.
Ovarian Cancer Treatment
You and your doctor will discuss a treatment plan that’s best for your needs. Treatments and surgical options may include:
- Surgery to remove the ovaries and surrounding tissue and organs
- Chemotherapy, which uses strong medications to kill cancer cells. This treatment is often used along with surgery.
- Radiation therapy , which uses directed rays of energy to kill cancer cells.
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Serious complications may occur in any surgery, including da Vinci® Surgery, up to and including death. Examples of serious or life-threatening complications, which may require prolonged and/or unexpected hospitalization and/or reoperation, include but are not limited to, one or more of the following: injury to tissues/organs, bleeding, infection and internal scarring that can cause long-lasting dysfunction/pain. Risks of surgery also include the potential for equipment failure and/or human error. Individual surgical results may vary.
Risks specific to minimally invasive surgery, including da Vinci Surgery, include but are not limited to, one or more of the following: temporary pain/nerve injury associated with positioning; temporary pain/discomfort from the use of air or gas in the procedure; a longer operation and time under anesthesia and conversion to another surgical technique. If your doctor needs to convert the surgery to another surgical technique, this could result in a longer operative time, additional time under anesthesia, additional or larger incisions and/or increased complications.
Patients who are not candidates for non-robotic minimally invasive surgery are also not candidates for da VinciSurgery. Patients should talk to their doctor to decide if da Vinci Surgery is right for them. Patients and doctors should review all available information on non-surgical and surgical options in order to make an informed decision. For Important Safety Information, including surgical risks, indications, and considerations and contraindications for use, please also refer to www.davincisurgery.com/safety and www.intuitivesurgical.com/safety. Unless otherwise noted, all people depicted are models.